I haven't been updating on my recent weight loss journey at all, but I have still been working on it. I am proud to say that I am down a whole 10 pounds since March! Yippee skipee! I am so happy about this. I have literally been working my butt off. It has been taking some time, but I am very proud of myself for sticking with it.
There might be some confusion though.... not sure how many have noticed, but I do have a weight loss ticker on here. It says that I have only lost 3.3 lbs, but that is only because I had to start over the in the recent weeks. Last month was crazy hectic, with flying to Nashville to get Cadence, then Spring Break, then a 3 day trip to Pendleton! I didn't even think about working out at that time. Thankfully, I didn't gain any weight back. So, since I had to start again, that is how much weight I have lost since then.
My journey is far from over. I still need to lose 25 pounds overall. For the remainder of this month, I am setting another 5 pound goal. I am hoping to lose more than that, as so far this month, I have lost 3.1 pounds. The extra 0.2 pounds are from last month from when I decided to start again. Not bad at all if I do say so myself. I just gotta keep it up!