The first night, we stayed at Robbie's brothers house in Cle Elum, WA. We got there sometime around midnight. The older girls went to sleep right away, but Nico had other plans. She was very tired, but needed to be fed before she fell asleep. After her feeding, I was getting ready to lay her down, and she just busted up laughing! I can't say that I knew what she was laughing at, but it was the cutest thing. She just giggled for about 10 minutes straight. After that, she went right to sleep. Such a silly baby that I have!
Saturday morning, we were ready for the trip over to Seattle. That wasn't such a long drive, which I know that the girls (and myself) were quite thankful for. Robbie wanted to say hello to his sister, Denise, so we stopped in Isaaquah for a quick visit. After that, we drove the rest of the way to Seattle! Natalie and Kira had been there before, but they never got to see all of the sights. So, we went right into the heart of it all.... with the sky scrapers, and the millions of people walking around. We were ready to get out of the car at this point, so I suggested that we go to Pike Place Market. I told Natalie that its a place from the movies, and that made her want to see it really badly. It was pretty hot out, so we only stayed for about an hour or so, as we didn't want the girls to overheat.

Once we were all done there, we headed to Bothell to stay with our good friend Mike, his mom, and his grandma. The girls hadn't been over to visit in a long while, and they were ready to be done with driving for the day. We got to visit for a while, and had ourselves some homemade macaroni and cheese that Mo (Mike's mom) made. It was so good!!!
The next day (Sunday) we got up early and headed out to Lincoln City. We were hoping that the weather over there would be pretty nice, but no such luck. It was in the 60's and a little breezy. Regardless, the girls were so excited to go! Kira couldn't wait to go out and play in the sand, while Natalie could wait to chase some waves. Nico didn't mind being out there at first, but after a while she got fussy. It was a good thing our hotel room was right on the beach!

We had so much fun while we were at the coast! I think that if I would of let them, Natalie and Kira would of stayed out there until it was dark.
On Monday, we made the VERY long drive home. Since we had to drive from OR all the way to MT, it seemed like it took FOREVER. But I would gladly do it again! The whole trip was very special to me and I know it was for everyone else as well. :)
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