Sunday, March 6, 2011

The 60 Day Photo Challenge!!!

Recently, my oldest daughter Natalie asked if I blogged anymore.... and I realized, that I haven't. In a very long time. Bad!!! So, today, I made a promise to her that I am going to blog. That is where this 60 day photo challenge comes in, as this is just for her. :) Let the challenge begin!!!

Day 1: A picture of you and 15 facts.

1. I am a mother of 4 children.
2. I am left-handed.
3. I am scared to death of cows!
4. I would love to visit France someday.
5. I love to read.
6. I am a huge fan of Cinderella.
7. I am also really scared of moths!
8. I finally learned how to drive at the age of 22.
9. I am very clumsy.
10. People that wear socks and sandals at the same time bother me.
11. I secretly want to be a singer. I'm not the best singer though.
12. I have flown before, but I don't like flying.
13. I wish I could draw.
14. I hate washing dishes. I'd rather scrub the floor.
15. I always said I would never like Harry Potter. I like Harry Potter now.

Until next time! :)